Appendix 1 – Strategic sites and identified costs


From Annex B City of York CIL Viability Study by Porter Planning Economics:


Para. 4.58 – ‘After combining the contributions relating to each site, the tested DM1/s106 costs against each site are shown in Table 4.13. But these are just a guide for potential development costs in testing the Local Plan. This is because the scheme design and/or infrastructure requirements (and capacity of existing infrastructure) may change, particularly over the longer term of the Local Plan. Also, these do not consider if infrastructure items will be funded or partly funded through other sources, such as infrastructure providers or regeneration agencies. Therefore, these costs are likely to reflect the worst case/most costly scenario.’


Table 4.13 Policy DM1/s106



Supplementary Education

Other key infrastructure

Total cost

SS8 Land Adj Hull Road (ST4)





SS9 Land East of Metcalf Lane (ST7)





SS10 Land Nth of Monks Cross (ST8)





SS11 Land Nth of Haxby (ST9)





SS12 Land West of Wigginton Rd (ST14)





SS13 Land West of Elvington Lane (ST15)





SS14 Terry's Extension Sites (ST16)





SS16 Land at Tadcaster Rd (ST21)





SS18 Station Yard, Wheldrake (ST33)





SS20 Imphal Barracks (ST36)





Officers’ note: In addition to the above costs, all strategic sites will also be expected to meet the requirements related to policies CC2 & CC3: Sustainable Design and Construction; GI2: Biodiversity and Access to Nature; H2: Density of Residential Development and H3: Balancing the Housing Market; H5: Gypsies and Travellers; H10: Affordable Housing; and any other relevant policy.


Strategic sites ST7, ST8, ST9 and ST14 are within the ‘zone of influence’ identified within policy GI2a: Strensall Common Special Area of Conservation and will incur additional costs related to mitigation required by this policy.